Monday, January 14, 2008

Big boy underpants

Ronan is proud to be the wearer of big boy underpants. He shows everyone, even stangers in the store. He is doing really well. The real problem is that is too independant. He goes without telling me (before or after). When it comes to #2 it is a real problem because he is not a good wiper. Sometimes a big chunck gets stuck on the OUTSIDE of his pants and he spreds it all over the place. I am not really sure how it happens, but his undies are clean and there's s#@t all over the floor. He may poop on the seat on not in bowl and then it falls to the floor. He tries to clean it himself, and that just makes it worse. but I know this is gross and I hope you aren't eating, but I want you to feel my pain. I was trying to go toxin free in the cleaning department, but when this happens, I am all about the Lysol and bleach and alcohol hand santatizer. It recals to mind when Coper pooped in Kelly's apartment and walked in and walked around her whole apartment.
I put a photo of Declan on here because I realize I just post pictures of Ronan. He's just 1/3 of my parenthood, but he takes up a big space in the stories department. D is great, and I love his crooked smile. He is a good baby, as long as someone is holding him. Ava is good too. She just got a bad report card. This is hard to do when it's all based on + and -. It's mostly because she needs "reminders". She lives in la-la land most of the time and needs to be told several times before she does something (put your book away, line up, get your coat on). It would make me want to homeschool, but she is like that at home, and it drives me crazy. Also, she is not getting along with the other kids. I know it's because she tried to argue everything the other kids say and tell them they are wrong. Even though Ava is usually right (the kids are wrong), she uses her "mean voice" (teacher's phrase) and says mean things. When the kids cry to the teacher about it, Ava says "I misspoke" The teacher thinks this is funny, but I don't because I had no friends in grade school and it was no fun. Sean says he doesn't care if she has no friends, but is mad she doens't follow the rules at school.
I am running again. I can run three miles and am excited about that. The only problem is I am so achy the day after. My bones hurt. I am like an old woman. Mary, I read "On Chisel Beach" and "interesting" is really the only word to describe it. I also saw a clip of Atonement and remembered I have read it, but it must have been a long time ago. I have requested it from the library, but am 63rd on the wait list. I also requested Listening is an Act of Love. I have been successful on my "no eating out - EVER" budget. I have been Starbuck's free for 14 days. I am going to buy a latte maker because I am sad about it.
We are all bumbed the Colts lost. Declan is getting baptized on Feb. 3rd. That's Superbowl Sunday. I didn't send invites to out of towners, but you are all invited, of course, but not expected, unless you are dying to sleep at 9819 Arquette Cir.

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